tennsS v1.53 Reference Manual

Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002 Mike Arnold, Altjira Software, mikea@altjira.com

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Class _Spike derived from Netnodec (size <272> bytes)

A simple thresholded spiking node with a <threshold> mechanism. The threshold object is constructed and must be of type Threshold. Multiple <trace> objects may be attached to calculate a variety of firing rate measures. Each trace object is constructed and must be of type Trace. The <value> of the node is equal to the time of last spike. If an object is referenced using <release>, then the release of the node is probabilistic. Calling the default operator for the release object returns the likelihood of release between [0,1]. robabilistic release requires that <unif> specifies a uniform distribution between [0,1]. The distribution is sampled by calling the default operator. The release and unif objects are referenced and must be of type Particle.


trace/<id> references trace <id> threshold references threshold release references release unif references uniform pdf

Reverse References for Global Context

owner trace/<id>, threshold


trace/<id> reset threshold reset, dump, restore


potential=<data> sets potential (0) absref=<data> absolute refractory period (0.001) amplitude=<data> sets amplitude of spike (1) memory=<bool> sets memory flag (1) calculate=<bool> forces calculation (0) last=<data> time of last spike (-1.79769e+308) next=<data> time of next spike (1.79769e+308) release=<ref> release probability (none) unif=<ref> pdf between [0,1] (none)

Source Points

potential membrane potential of node threshold current threshold value last last spike next next spike

Trigger points

fire just after the neuron fires release release probability


trace [type=<id>] [id=<id>] [exists=<data>] [use=<id>] <configuration arguments to the trace> create a trace type=<id> the type of the trace id=<id> the identifier the trace exists=<data> try to use the first existing trace whose period matches <data>, otherwise create a new trace use=<id> try to use the existing trace with the specified <id>, otherwise create a new trace; this overides the <exist> option threshold type=<id> <configuration arguments to the threshold> create a threshold type=<id> the type of the threshold init obj=<id> [period=<data>] [mode=interval|time|rate] [next=<bool>] initialise the past spike train for the node obj=<id> the source for spikes period=<data> the duration of the spike train mode=interval|time|rate how to interpret the data from the source next=<bool> whether to set the time of the next future spike

Derived Classes

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