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A component object that implements a network of dummy nodes where the functionality of the network is defined by a Network Model Interface (NMI) object. It is expected that the number of nodes is explicitly defined by the NMI object.
nmi/... passed to the NMI objectCommands
nmi/... passed to the NMI object build build the Nmi component parse pass the input streams as a configuration stream to the Nmi component. The following details the NMI object. The base NMI objectA Network Model Interface Component.
always-output=<bool> always send output state (false) input-alias=<tag or old alias>:<new alias> sets new alias for input tag output-alias=<tag or old alias>:<new alias> sets new alias for output tag The derived NMI objectAn NMI component that implements a world containing a set of objects together with an actor that can manipulate the objects and view the world.
gates/... passed to the gates encoder eye-rep/... passed to the eye-rep encoder eye-motor/... passed to the eye-motor encoder eye-proprio/.. passed to the eye-proprio encoder head-motor/... passed to the head-motor encoder head-proprio/. passed to the head-proprio encoder body-motor/... passed to the body-motor encoder body-proprio/. passed to the body-proprio encoder hand-motor/... passed to the hand-motor encoder hand-proprio/. passed to the hand-proprio encoder world/... passed to the worldCommands
create-object [position=<position>] [scale=<scale>] [layer=<uint>] [fixed=<bool>] <configuration for the object> create an object position=<position> the position of the object scale=<scale> the scale of the block layer=<uint> the graphical layer for the block fixed=<bool> if the position of the object is fixed create-gate type=<string> <configuration for the gate> create a gate type=<string> type of gate initialise reset the world to its initial (empty) state start-graphics [width=<uint>] [height=<uint>] start the graphics width=<uint> width of window height=<uint> height of window stop-graphics stop the graphics display-graphics display the graphics The following details the encoder used to code the <eye-motor>, <eye-proprio>, <head-motor>, <head-proprio>, <body-motor>, <body-proprio>, <hand-motor> and <hand-proprio> data: The Wtarep encoderA simple winner-take-all representation over a 1 dimensional space.
size=<uint> size of the space active-value=<data> value of an active value (1.0) inactive-value=<data> value of an inactive value (0.0) The following details the encoder is used to code the <eye-rep> data: The Rawrep encoderA simple raw representation over a 1 dimensional space of given <size>.
size=<uint> size of the space The following details the encoder is used to code the <gates> data: The Rawrep encoderA simple raw representation over a 1 dimensional space of given <size>.
size=<uint> size of the space The following details the object world: The base worldA world consisting of a set of objects located within a <grid>. The range of possible objects is defined by <obj-limits>. Any configuration of the <grid> will cause the world to be reset to its initial (empty) state. Gates can be created to generate derived signals.
single=<bool> only one object per location (true) gates=<uint> the max number of gates grid/... passed to the grid obj-limits/... passed to the object limits gate/<i>/... passed to gate <i> obj/<i>/... passed to object <i> obj-layer/<i>=<uint> the layer of object <i> obj-scale/<i>=<scale> the scale of object <i> obj-position/<i>=<position> the position of object <i> obj-fixed/<i>=<bool> if object <i> is fixed The following details the object type: The Objcs objectAn object which has a two attributes, colour and shape.
colour=<red|green|blue|yellow|aqua|magenta> shape=<square|triangle|circle|cross|rectangle|octagon> The following details the grid type: The gridA simple 2-dimensional integer grid. A location within the grid is specified using integer values. The boundaries of the grid are specified using <grid> as minimum and maximum integer values for both the x and y dimensions. The grid may exist with respect to a second grid. The location of the origin of the first grid with respect to the second grid is given by <position>. Grid elements may be registered as allowable. If no elements are registered then all elements are allowable. The allowable register is cleared whenever the <size> of the grid is configured.
size=<xmin:xmax:ymin:ymax> size of the grid (0:0:0:0) position=<x:y> position of the grid (0:0) allow=<x:y> register position as allowable The following details the base gate type: The base Gate typeA gate that has an internal <state> as determined by an expression. The output of the gate is <active-value> if the <state> is true, or <inactive-value> if the <state> is false. If <rising> is true then the gate is only active when the <state> changes from false to true.
state=<bool> the internal state (false) rising=<bool> output only on rising edge (true) active-value=<data> output value when active (1.0) inactive-value=<data> output value when inactive (0.0) The following details the available gate types: The Posgate gateA gate that checks if <object> is at <position>.
object=<uint> object to check position=<position> position to check against (offgrid) The head worldA world consisting of a set of objects located within a grid together with an observer that has an eye, a head and a body that can be used to attend to a portion of the grid, as well as a hand in which objects can be held when temporarily removed from the grid.
hand=<uint> max number of objects in hand (1) body/... passed to the body grid head/... passed to the head grid eye/... passed to the eye grid
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